5000 Meal+ Campaign Fund

Devoted primarily to feed 5000 PLUS needy families in Spartanburg through the 5000 Meals Campaign.

A Dickens of a Christmas Fund

devoted primarily to the event, which in the past has been produced, directed, and "housed" by The Arts Partnership of Spartanburg and most recently, the Spartanburg County Historical Association, before it was turned over to the Spartanburg Downtown Association to manage its assets and continue fundraising and producing the event. The Spartanburg Downtown Association, a S0l(c) (6) organization, is transferring assets to The Spartanburg County Foundation to invest and manage, accept and receipt donations and pay related event expenses, such as costumes, equipment, marketing, and administrative costs, as directed by the Spartanburg Downtown Association

A Spot of Pride Beautification Fund

devoted primarily to the general eleemosynary support of the "Spot of Pride" program, which will represent a public and private partnership for the beautification of Spartanburg, addressing the establishment, beautification, and maintenance of specific sites in and around Spartanburg County

A. Tony Fisher Spartanburg Public Safety Education and Professional Development Fund

devoted primarily to the activities of the Spartanburg Public Safety Department that comport to the education and professional development of the Department's staff and their children (i.e., public safety awareness programs, professional development courses, career enhancement opportunities, etc.)

Ada Gossett Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund

devoted primarily to the annual provision of scholarship assistance to worthy and deserving graduates of James F. Byrnes High School and/or Spartanburg High School desiring to pursue any level of higher education with the recipients to be picked according to the selection criteria (Attachment A), alternating each year between James F. Byrnes High School and Spartanburg High School

Ada West and Edward T. Spires (S.H.S.) Memorial Scholarship Fund

devoted primarily to the annual support of scholarship assistance for worthy and deserving graduate(s) of Spartanburg High School desiring to pursue any level of higher education with the recipients to be selected by the Awards Committee of this Fund

Adult Learning Center Reserve Fund

devoted primarily to the long-term anticipated needs of the Adult Learning Center, with the intent to build a reserve to fall back upon, that might exceed the normal annual operating expenses

Adult Learning Center Scholarship Fund

devoted primarily to the provision of scholarships to a technical college or a state university system. To qualify for consideration, these citizens must pass their GED, and they must first use any Pell Grant assistance or any other available funding, as this scholarship grant is to be considered supplemental in nature only

Alexina Atkins Jenkins Scholarship Fund

Devoted to awarding the Mrs. Alexina Atkins Jenkins Pine Street Scholarship to a Spartanburg High School senior that went through Pine Street School and plans to continue their education after high school. See CRITERIA; SEE POLICIES & PROCEDURES

Alfred G. and Virginia R. New Memorial Scholarship Fund

devoted primarily to the annual award of scholarships to high school graduates in the counties of Spartanburg and Cherokee, in the State of South Carolina wishing to pursue any accredited school of higher learning offering a major in the field of education

Alpha Phi Alpha Chapter Scholarship Fund

devoted primarily to the annual scholarship assistance to deserving and worthy high school graduates of Spartanburg County schools who wish to pursue a four-year degree at any accredited college or university in the United States as directed by the award's committee referenced in this agreement

Altrusa “Birthday Bunch” Scholarship Fund

devoted primarily to the annual provision of scholarship assistance to non-traditional students who are residents of Spartanburg County desiring to pursue any level of higher education at any institution of higher learning located in Spartanburg County

Amanda Jeter-Adams Memorial Scholarship to Lawson Academy Fund

devoted primarily to provide scholarships to voice students at Lawson Academy at Converse University

Amanda Martinez Scholarship Fund

Devoted primarily to help students financially their freshman year of college. Each year's recipient will be for graduating students from Spartanburg County District 1, who have demonstrated strength and perseverance overcoming a life obstacle. Also, the recipient must be known in the community for helping others or having community involvement

American Guild of Organists (Spartanburg Chapter) General Fund

American Legion Building Spartanburg County General Fund

devoted exclusively for the restoration and maintenance of this facility in order that it serve as a catalyst for the preservation and renewal of Duncan Park and the surrounding neighborhood in the City of Spartanburg, S.C.

Amos & Babs Memorial Fund

devoted exclusively for animal reproduction control services (neutering of dogs only for owners or potential owners who are less likely to be able to afford such services) as administered by the Spartanburg County Humane Society.

An Evening of Talent Expressions Fund

devoted primarily to the production of An Evening of Talent Expressions