Sparkle City Flicks Fund

Brandy Lindsey and Baker Maultsby are producing a documentary entitled, "Some Rocked, Some Rolled: Moving the Needle in 60s Spartanburg," that showcases local creatives and how this period affected their lives—then and now. Funds raised go towards the production of the film. The final piece is set to be released in 2025. SYNOPSIS: The 1960s Were a Time of Rapid and Unprecedented Change in the U.S. Images of hippie culture in Haight-Ashbury, of protests on university campuses, of Woodstock—these are etched into our consciousness. But what about other places in America? What about places like ... Spartanburg, SC? Spartanburg in the 60s and early 70s didn’t look exactly like San Francisco. But there was “something happening here”—an amazingly rich music culture, shifting racial dynamics, and kids challenging authority and exploring new freedoms. We want to tell that story. VIEW TRAILER:
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