Fund Catalog
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5000 Meal+ Campaign Fund
A Dickens of a Christmas Fund
A Spot of Pride Beautification Fund
A. Tony Fisher Spartanburg Public Safety Education and Professional Development Fund
Ada Gossett Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ada West and Edward T. Spires (S.H.S.) Memorial Scholarship Fund
Adult Learning Center Reserve Fund
Adult Learning Center Scholarship Fund
Alexina Atkins Jenkins Scholarship Fund
Alfred G. and Virginia R. New Memorial Scholarship Fund
Alpha Phi Alpha Chapter Scholarship Fund
Altrusa “Birthday Bunch” Scholarship Fund
Amanda Jeter-Adams Memorial Scholarship to Lawson Academy Fund
Amanda Martinez Scholarship Fund
American Guild of Organists (Spartanburg Chapter) General Fund
American Legion Building Spartanburg County General Fund
Amos & Babs Memorial Fund
An Evening of Talent Expressions Fund
Andrews Farm Neighborhood Association Fund
Angels Charge Ministry Fund
Animal Allies, Inc. of Spartanburg County General Fund
Annual Meeting Fund
Anthony Hunter Memorial Scholarship Fund
Arcadia Masonic Lodge General Fund
Arnold Family Legacy Scholarship Fund
Artists Collective Spartanburg, Inc. Fund
Arts Alchemy Fund
Audrey V. Hailstock COMEFORTH Zone Fund
Avarilla Jennings Hughes Arts Education Fund
B. Frank Carruth Landrum Community Memorial Fund
B. Frank Carruth Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ball4Good Fund
Ballet Spartanburg Endowment Fund
Ballet Spartanburg, Inc. Fund
Barnet Children's Library Endowment Fund
Barnet Park Community Fund
Beauty Marks For Girls Rose Rogers Scholarship Fund
Beeson/Fogarty Endowment of The Charles Lea Center Fund
Ben Burfete, Workman Cantrell, and Mills Griffin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ben M. Cart and Ella M. Cart Child Abuse Fund
Benjamin E. Mays Consolidated School Fund
Benjamin House Ministries Fund
Benjamin O. and Mallie B. Johnson Legal Education Fund
Beta Mu Chapter Scholarship Fund
Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery Fund
Billy G. Watson Scholarship Fund
Bird Christian Scholarship Fund
BirthMatters Fund
Black Economic Mobility Coalition Fund
Black Tie Scholarship Fund
Blessings For McCarthy Fund
Blue Meridian Fund
BMW MC Supplier Diversity Program Fund
Bob Breitweiser Habitat for Humanity Fund
Bob Watts Senior Football Scholarship Fund
Bobby Chapman Junior Golf Foundation Fund
Boiling Springs Junior Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund
Book of Memory Fund
Booker's Soul Food Starters Education Fund
BPW/SC Legacy Designated Fund
BPW/SC Legacy Scholarship Fund
Bramlett Family Fund
Brian Lawrence Memorial Fund
Brian Meegan Fund
Bring Light Dance Ministry Fund
Brothers United For Change Fund
BRUH Mentor Community Development Fund
Building America Fund
Cadon Joy Foundation Fund
Calvary Episcopal Church Cemetery Fund
Cammie Fludd Clagett Scholarship Fund
Camp Ponderosa Fund
Cancer Association of Spartanburg and Cherokee Counties Fund
Candice M. Crosby Memorial Scholarship Fund
Candice M. Crosby Memorial Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund
Cane Creek Presbyterian Church of Union Affiliate Fund
Cane Creek Presbyterian Church of Union Cemetery and Grounds Affiliate Fund
Cannons Campground Ruritan Club Scholarship Fund
Carlos Agudelo Ballet Fund for Boys
Carolina Orthopaedic & Neurosurgical Associates General Education Fund
Carolina Pediatric Alliance Sponsorship Fund
Caroline Virginia Pulliam Mitochondrial Special Fund
Carolyn B. Landrum Children's Programming Fund
Casi Kathleen George Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cathy Bird Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cedar Spring Cemetery Association Endowment Fund
Center for Philanthropy Capital Campaign Fund
Central United Methodist Church Endowment Fund
Chad A. Czechowski JROTC Scholarship Fund
Change A Life Fund
Chapman Cultural Center Operating Endowment
Chapman High School Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund
Chapman High School General Fund
Chapman High School/Landrum High School Nursing Scholarship Fund
Charles A. Walker Community Park Fund
Charles and Mary New Scholarship Fund
Charles and Sarah Bryant Camp Scholarship Fund
Charles H. Humphries, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Charles Lea Center Foundation General Fund
Charles W. Locke, Sr. Memorial Family Fund
Charley S. Hughes Mission Fund
Charlie Hodge Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund
Charner William Bramlett Memorial Fellowship Fund
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Mission and Church Fund
Children’s Cancer Partners Of The Carolinas In Honor Of Lucy And Tom Russell Urgent Care Fund
Children's Advocacy Center of Spartanburg General Fund
Children's Cancer Partners Alli Hoy Remembrance Fund
Children's Cancer Partners Fund
Christmas in Action Spartanburg General Fund
Christopher Nottingham Keith Memorial Fund
Citizen Scholars General Fund
City of Spartanburg Public Safety Fund
Civitan Club of Spartanburg Endowment
Civitan Club of Spartanburg Scholarship Fund
Clarence H. Crow Bible Distribution Fund
Claude and Maxilla Evans Charitable Fund
Clayton Construction Charitable Fund
Clayton Construction Scholarship Fund
Cleveland Park Restoration Fund
Clifford M. Walden & Stephen A. Walden Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clinton Richard Smith, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Coach Dale Evans Memorial 'Stick to The Task' Scholarship Fund
Coalition for Active Youth Fund
College Town Consortium General Fund
Colon Cancer Solutions of the Carolinas Fund
Connie M. Nixon Kids Clubs Fund
Converse Heights Neighborhood Association General Fund
Converse Heights Tree Fund
Cornelia Greer Walker Scholarship Fund of the Union Music Club
Cornerstone Baptist Church General Fund
Covenant Presbyterian Church Scholarship Fund
Cowpens War Memorial General Fund
Coyle Scholarship Fund of Buford St. UMC
Cross Keys House and Property Maintenance Affiliate Fund
CRRM Foundation Fund
Daniel Morgan ROTC Fund
Daniel Morgan Statue Maintenance Fund
Dannie Horne T.O.T.A.L. Ministries Fund
Dennis and Vickie Pace Scholarship Fund
Dennis L. Bruce Author Series Special Fund
Denny Jones Children's Fund
Depot Restoration Fund
Dialysis Is Not Your Life Fund
District Seven Artwork Fund
District Seven Foundation Fund
District Seven General Scholarship Fund
District Seven Outdoor Classroom Fund
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Spartanburg - Literacy Fund
Dora T. Martin Memorial Affiliate Fund
Dorman (All Sports) Booster Club Scholarship Fund
Dorman Band E. Todd Watson Scholarship Fund
Dorman Band Josie Turnage Scholarship Fund
Dorman High School Achievers Scholarship Fund
Dorman High School Allen O. Clark, Sr. Scholarship to Wofford College Fund
Dorman High School Alumni Scholarship Award
Dorman High School Anonymous Scholarship Fund (B)
Dorman High School Capital Fund
Dorman High School Chartwells Scholarship Fund
Dorman High School Coca-Cola Scholarship Fund
Dorman High School Daniel Scott Seay Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dorman High School Mary Frances Gosnell Scholarship Fund
Dorman High School Michael Scott Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dorman High School Weldon Wyatt Endowment Fund
Dorothy and Euta Colvin Family Fund
Doug Necker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Downtown Spartanburg Sertoma Club
Dr. Alva Pack, III USC Upstate Scholarship Fund
Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Sears, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Aydrian Thomas Scholarship Fund
Dr. Gwendolyn M. Smith Scholarship Fund
Dr. Jerrie Lucktenberg Concertmaster Chair Endowment Fund
Dr. Richard L. Robinson Scholarship Fund
Dr. Robert K. Hatchette Special Education Leadership Fund
Dr. Thomas W. Westmoreland Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. W. A. Wallace Staff Wellness Fund
Dr. William L. Howell, III and Shirley M. Howell Scholarship Fund
E. Clifton and Clara M. Lancaster Fund
Edwin Gerschefski Memorial Scholarship Fund
Eleanor G. Oppenheimer Barnet General Fund
Elizabeth Ormand White Children's Materials Endowment Fund
Elizabeth Ward Cannon Jesse Boyd Scholarship Fund
Ellen Hines Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elysian Impact Fund
Emil Rusch Memorial Scholarship Fund
Endowment Fund of Fifty Upstate
Endowment Fund of the Shepherd's Center of Spartanburg
Ethel Chase Davis Perception Court Fund
Eva S. Hoffman Scholarship Fund
Eye Opener Cross Country Fund
Fairforest Middle School PTO Scholarship Fund
Faris Scholarship Fund
Faucette Family Fund
Faye C. Campbell Fund
FENCE Endowment Fund
Fernwood Baptist Church General Endowment Fund
First Baptist Church of Campobello Cemetery AKA Davis Cemetery Fund
First Baptist Church of Union, SC General Affiliate Fund
First Presbyterian Church Weekday School General Fund
First Responders Memorial Monument at Barnet Park
First Tee of Spartanburg, Inc. Special Fund
Florence Moore Scholars Fund
Frampton Scholars Fund
Frances and Lester Eledge Endowment Fund
Frances Downard Memorial Award Fund
Frances Elizabeth Sitton Smith Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
Frank P. Cyrill, Jr. Family - Westside Library Fund
Fred M. Epting and Sara W. Epting Fund
Frederick G. and Martha B. Harris Fund
Friends of Carver High School Scholarship Fund
Friends of Fairforest Presbyterian Cemetery Affiliate Fund
Friends of Hollywild Animal Park General Fund
Friends of Spartanburg High School Summer Reading Program Fund
Friends of the Boiling Springs Library Fund
Friends of the Chesnee Library Fund
Friends of the Cowpens Library Fund
Friends of the Inman Library Fund
Friends of the Landrum Library Fund
Friends of the Middle Tyger Library
Friends of the Pacolet Library Fund
Friends of the Spartanburg County Guardian Ad Litem Special Fund
Friends of the Spartanburg County Public Libraries Used Bookstore Fund
Friends of the Spartanburg County Public Library Capital Improvements Fund
Friends of the Spartanburg County Public Library Staff Development Fund
Friends of the Westside Library Fund
Friends of the Woodruff Library Fund
G.B. Hodge, MD Memorial Nursing Education Fund
Gaffney High School Melissa Ann Huntley Memorial Scholarship Fund
George A. Withers, Jr. Camp Scholarship Fund
George Dan'l Hoffman Fund
German American Club Scholarship Fund
Gilman S. Hooper Endowment of The Charles Lea Center Fund
Girl Scout Endowment Fund
Girls on the Run Upstate SC General Fund
Glendale Lecture Series Fund
Glendalyn Circle Beautification Fund
Glover Smiley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Grace Presbyterian Church Fund
Grace United Methodist Church Cemetery Affiliate Fund of Union County, S.C.
Grace United Methodist Church General Affiliate Fund of Union County, S.C.
Greater Spartanburg Divine 9 Community Health Awareness Day (CHAD) Fund
Greater Spartanburg Divine 9 Fund
Greater Spartanburg Ministries Endowment Fund
Green Creek Hounds Foundation Fund
Griffin Legacies
H. E. Hipp Memorial Scholarship Fund
H. G. Brock Scholarship Fund
H. Gene Lee Memorial Scholarship Fund
H. Morgan Rogers and Anne W. Rogers Scholarship Fund
H.A.L.T.E.R. General Fund
Hampton Heights Neighborhood Association - Anne Irwin Memorial Fund
Hand In Hand Ministries Fund
Happy Hollow Park Fund
Harold D. Raeford Memorial Scholarship Fund
Harry H. Gibson Family Fund
Hatcher Botanical Garden Endowment Fund
Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve General Fund
Hazel S. Jackson Nursing Educational Fund
Healing Heart Fund
Healthy Organization Institute Fund
Healthy Smiles' Jack Keith Society Fund
Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg, Inc. General Fund
Helping Hands Ministries of Woodruff Area General Fund
Heritage Club Endowment Fund
Hilard H. Dawkins Memorial Scholarship Fund
Holland-Wilkins Education Fund
Holly Crain Memorial Orchestra Scholarship Fund
Hospice of the Carolina Foothills General Fund
Hub City Animal Project (HCAP) Fund
Hub City Empty Bowls Project Fund
Hub City Writers Project Fund
Huck’s Defeat Film Fund
Humanity Fund
Inman Community Development Fund
Inman Masonic Lodge 201 Scholarship Fund
Innovative Rural Development Community Fund
Institute For Youth Justice Fund
Ivey Family Foundation Scholarship Fund
J. Everett Hicks Kiwanis Scholarship Fund
J. Howard & Blanche Chapman Foster/Bethel United Methodist Church Scholarship Fund
J.F. Byrnes High School Coca-Cola Scholarship Fund
Jack A. Linder, Sr. and Carolyn G. Linder Broome High Scholarship Fund
Jack K. and Margaret J. Barnes Scholarship Fund
Jackson S. Dunbar RAINBOW Fund
Jacksons Grove Church Fund
James "Pee Wee" Lambert Scholarship Fund
James E. Buchanan Trust
James Mancke Scholarship Fund
Jane Adkins' Bethelwoods Kids to Camp Fund
Jane Hicks ASTRA Scholarship of Altrusa International of Spartanburg Fund
Janna Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jay Wakefield Lacrosse Scholarship Fund
Jay Wakefield Memorial Youth Lacrosse Fund
Jean Erwin Fund
Jeremy A. Sailem Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund
Jerry D. Steadman Scholarship Fund
Jim Everhart Special Scholarship Fund
John David Hortman Scholarship Fund
John T. Wardlaw Community Fund
John W. and Carol G. Fowler Educational Assistance Fund
Jon H. Poteat Scholarship Fund
Josephine L. Hatcher Special Projects Fund
Josephine Prall Spartanburg Animal Welfare Memorial Endowment Fund
Joshua Richard Lee Scholarship Fund
Jule K. and DeArmond E. Canaday Endowed Family Fund
Junior Achievement of Greater SC Business Hall of Fame Fund
Junior Achievement of Greater SC General Fund
Junior League Fund
Junior League of Spartanburg, Inc. Building Fund
Junior League of Spartanburg/Mary Flowers Scott Smith Fund for Abused Women
Junior League of Spartanburg/Thomas J. Troup Educational Endowment
Just Because Fund
Katalyst 4 P^3 Fund
Katherine Marie Morgan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kay Killingsworth Parris Scholarship Fund
Kenny Mitchell MagicTouch Cutz Barber Foundation Fund
Kent A. Beeson Memorial Scholarship
Kevin Malcolm Alexander Fund
Kids Upstate General Endowment Fund
Kittler Bain Zibart Fund
Kiwanis Club Service Projects Fund
Kiwanis Educational Fund
Kolson Elliott Heart of a Bulldog Memorial Scholarship Fund
L.E. Gable Middle School P.T.O. Scholarship Fund
Lake Summit Community Foundation Fund
Landon M. Cohen Community Health and Wellness Fund
Landrum High School General Fund
Landrum Municipal Projects Fund
Last Chance Foundation Fund
Lee Orr Aviation Scholarship Fund
Leland L. and Nell B. Larrabee Endowment of The Charles Lea Center Fund
Lemuel Clingman Greene Scholarship Fund
Little Africa Community Fund
Live on the Green Fund
Lois Carlson and Clayton Taylor Memorial Fund of Inman First Baptist
Lucile F. Kohler Fund for The Spartanburg Art Museum
Lynda Broome McLane Reading Fund
M.D. Putnam Annual Scholarship Fund
Mabel H. Hospital SDS Scholarship Fund
Magnolia Cemetery Fund
Main Streets Preservation Foundation Spartanburg Fund
Marche Gault Scholarship Program Fund
Marion “Dooley” Miller Fund
Mary Alice Lanford Barnett Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mary G. Lominack Endowment Fund for Professional Staff Development
Mary H. Wright Memorial Statue Fund
Mary H. Wright Outdoor Learning Area Fund
Mary L. Thomas Award for Civic Leadership and Community Change Fund
Mary V. Davis Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Fund
Mary Wentling Walsh Fund
Mary Wheeler Davis Fund for Promotion of the Arts
Mason Gaston Memorial Scholarship Fund
Masterworks Festival Fund
Matthew J. McLeskey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Maude B. Holden Scholarship Fund
MCA Emergency Relief Fund
McCracken Fund for Education and Civic Engagement
McCracken Middle School Beta Club Scholarship Fund
Melissa Robinson Parris Scholarship Fund
Michael Boyd Canupp Memorial Scholarship Fund
Michael P. Ravan Memorial Fund
Middle Tyger Community Scholarship Fund
Mignon S. Jeffords Memorial Fund
Mildred H. Alverson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Miles Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Miss Jo's Children's Fund
Morgan Corp. Employee Scholarship Fund
Mount Moriah Baptist Church Fund
Mount Vernon Preservation Society Fund
Mr. E. Frank Watts and Dr. Mary E. Watts Dental Assistance Scholarship Fund
Music Club of Spartanburg Lynne Moore Salmon Scholarship Fund
Music Club of Spartanburg Paul Calvert Thomas Pre-College Scholarship Fund
N.E.S.S.A. In Your Neighborhood Fund
Nancy M. Moore Memorial Scholarship Fund
Nancy Rainey HALTER Fund
Nativity Capital Endowment Fund of Union, SC
Nazareth Cemetery Fund
Nazareth Presbyterian Church Cemetery Fund
Nazareth Presbyterian Church Ministry Fund
Nazareth Presbyterian Church Programs and Projects Fund
Nazareth Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Fund
Nazareth Presbyterian Church Seminary Scholarship Fund
New Beginnings UMC Contingency Fund
New Day, Inc. of Spartanburg Endowment Fund
New Hope Baptist Church Cemetery Fund
New Hope Baptist Church General Fund
New Hope Family Center Fund
North Spartanburg Rotary Club General Fund
Northside Development Corporation Fund
Oak Creek Plantation Lake Owner's Association General Fund
Oakwood Cemetery of Spartanburg, Inc.
Ogden Memorial Scholarship Fund
Omegas of Spartanburg Uplift Center Fund
One Hundred Club Fund
OneSpartanburg Fund
Oryol Art Associates Upstate Region Partnership Fund
Pacolet-Glendale Blueway Special Fund
PAL Trees & Trails General Fund
PAL: Play. Advocate. Live Well. General Fund
Palmetto Council Camp Maintenance Fund
Palmetto Men's Club General Fund
Park Hills Neighborhood Association - North Fund
Pati Family Foundation Fund
Pati Family Foundation Scholarship Fund
Paul High American Legion Post 45 Baseball Scholarship Fund
Paul M. Dorman Scholarship Fund
Piedmont Interstate Fair Association-J.D. Foster Memorial Fund
Piedmont Science Fair Fund
Piedmont Sertoma Enterprises Fund
Price House Fund
Priority Metrics Group Community Fund
Project R.E.S.T. Fund
R. P. Dawkins Scholarship Fund
R. P. Dawkins School Improvement Fund
Racial Equity Fund
Regional Museum of History Decorative Arts Endowment Fund
Renaissance Project Special Fund
Retha Williams Johnson Scholarship Fund
Robert C. Hardin Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund
Robert E. Justice NESA Scholarship Fund
Robert M. Carlisle Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert R. Thomas Science and Education Fund
Rolandi/Daniels/Magoulas Fund
Ross Smith Student Assistance Fund
Rotary Club of the Carolinas General Fund
Rotary Club of Union Charitable Fund
Rotary Club Spartanburg Sings Fund
Rotary International Peace Park, Spartanburg, S.C. General Fund
Rotary International/District 7750 Fund
Ruby Hawkins West Memorial Scholarship Fund
Russell and Sheryl Booker Family Fund
Ruth B. Caudle Scholarship Fund
Saluda Grade Trail Implementation Fund
SAM Movement 2030 Fund
Sarah Cannon Smith Spartanburg County Public Libraries Fund
Sarah Fant Jones Organ Maintenance Fund
Sarah S. Butler Horticultural Scholarship Fund
Sardis Methodist Church Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund
SC Career Kids Fund
SC School for the Deaf and the Blind Foundation General Endowment Fund
SC School for the Deaf and the Blind Foundation Technology Fund
SC School for the Deaf and the Blind Foundation Unrestricted Endowment Fund
SCCF Benjamin D. Snoddy Scholarship Fund
SCCF BMW Scholars Program Fund
SCCF Bruce Harris Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF Charles R. Sanders Scholarship Fund
SCCF Chris Duerksen Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF Debra Ann Kay Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF Dr. John Smith and Nora Beth Featherston Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF Eleanor J. and James P. Ledbetter, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF Endowment Fund
SCCF Foster and Ruth Gray Chapman Single Parent Achievement Award
SCCF Frederick B. Dent Downtown Campus Library Endowment Fund
SCCF Jack A. Powers Presidential Achievement Award Fund
SCCF John Alden Squires Memorial Alumni Scholarship Fund
SCCF John B. White Scholarship Fund
SCCF John C. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF John S. Featherston Memorial Achievement Award Fund
SCCF Leroy Sellars Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF M. L., Jr. & Marguerite M. Cates Faculty/Staff Development Endowment
SCCF Mildred Harrison Dent Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF Piedmont Interstate Fair Horticultural Scholarship Fund
SCCF President Henry C. Giles, Jr. Scholarship Fund
SCCF QS1 Scholarship Fund
SCCF Spartanburg Community College's Sherry Vaughn Student Book Request Fund
SCCF Spartanburg County Medical Society Health Careers Scholarship Fund
SCCF Tech. Scholars Scholarship Fund
SCCF The Dr. Pamela Hagan Professional Development Fund for SCC Faculty
SCCF The Putsy and John Wardlaw Emergency Fund
SCCF Todd Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCCF Wil Myers Scholarship Fund
SCCF Workman Cantrell Memorial Culinary Arts Internship Endowment
Scholastic Sportsmanship Foundation Scholarship Fund
Seay House Endowment Fund
Seay House/Brown Girls Read Fund
Senior Wellness Initiative Fund
Seventh Circuit Solicitor’s Office Awards Banquet Fund
SEW-Eurodrive, Inc./Byrnes High School Athletic Scholarship Fund
Shara Mason Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sheryl McClerklin Booker Fund
Sidewalk Hope Fund
Simone Laurent and Dr. Frances L. Hardy Music Empowerment Fund
Sinclair Family Scholarship Fund
Small-Fry Scholarship Fund of Cherokee County
SMC Second Year STEAM Scholarship Fund for Girls
Society of St. Paul the Apostle Fund
South Carolina Foundation for Disabled Athletes Fund
Southside Unity in the Community Special Fund
Sparkle City Flicks Fund
Spartan West Rotary Club General Fund
Spartanburg Academic Movement Fund
Spartanburg Alumnae Chapter Of Delta Sigma Theta Fund
Spartanburg Animal Welfare League Building and Endowment Fund
Spartanburg Animal Welfare League, Inc. Fund
Spartanburg Area Conservancy, Inc. (SPACE) Fund
Spartanburg Area Conservancy, Inc. (SPACE) Stewardship Fund
Spartanburg Area IMA Ruby Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg Art Museum General Purpose Fund
Spartanburg Breakfast BPW Club Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg Community Fund
Spartanburg County African American Cultural Fund
Spartanburg County Anonymous Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg County Blueways Fund
Spartanburg County Clemson Club Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg County Disaster Relief Fund
Spartanburg County Dist. 5 Dietrich Gaston Memorial Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg County District Five Food Services Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg County District One
Spartanburg County District Seven Orchestra Scholarship Fund (William R. Scott)
Spartanburg County Emergency Management Fund
Spartanburg County Foundation Music Awards Fund
Spartanburg County Historical Association Endowment Fund
Spartanburg County Livestock Producers' Association General Fund
Spartanburg County Medical Society Fund
Spartanburg County Museum of Art Acquisition Fund
Spartanburg County Museum of Art George Ernest Burwell, Jr. Fund
Spartanburg County Regional Museum of History Endowment Fund
Spartanburg County School District Five SCALE Fund
Spartanburg County School District Three Children's Assistance Fund
Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office Chaplain's Benevolence Program Fund
Spartanburg County Youth Anonymous Fund
Spartanburg County Youth Sports Bureau Special Fund
Spartanburg High School ACT/Ella Poats Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Alex Hopps, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Andrew Allen Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Athletic Department Endowment Fund
Spartanburg High School Business Education Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Chapter National Honor Society Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Chapter of the National Beta Club Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Charles I. Blackburn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of 1966 General Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of 1967 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '44 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '45 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '46 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '47 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '48 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '54 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '60 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '62 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '65 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '70 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '71 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '72 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '75 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Class of '79 Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Community Services Fund
Spartanburg High School Eileen D. Baird Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Erik Hudson Neely Memorial Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School General Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Jesse D. Workman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Joseph G. McCracken Valedictory Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Joseph P. and Edna B. Clarke Memorial JROTC Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Michael Delton Holmes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg High School Thomas L. Willis Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg Little Theatre General Fund
Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium General Fund
Spartanburg Philharmonic Endowment Fund
Spartanburg Philharmonic Music Club Fund
Spartanburg Preparatory School Fund
Spartanburg Preparatory School George D. Williamson Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg Racing History Fund
Spartanburg Repertory Company Virginia Ariail Rouse Fund
Spartanburg Rotary Club Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg School District Six Dr. Darryl F. Owings Make A Difference Scholarship Fund
Spartanburg Science Center Endowment Fund
Spartanburg Soup Kitchen Endowment Fund
Spartanburg Youth Theatre Fund
Spartanburg's Music Trail Fund
Spirit of Decorian Fund
Springdale Lane Beautification Fund
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church Properties Endowment Fund
St. Luke's Free Medical Clinic Endowment Fund
St. Luke's Free Medical Clinic Fund
St. Matthews Episcopal Church Norman Tyler General Endowment Fund
St. Paul Catholic Church Discretionary Fund
St. Paul United Methodist Church Youth Scholarship Fund
Startex-Tucapau Preservation Foundation
Stephen C. Smith Fund for Life Long Learning
Stephen L. McKee Agency Fund
Strategic Spartanburg Fund
Strengthening Voices-Grassroots Leadership Development Fund
Success Initiative Fund
Susan Patricia Hodge Memorial Fund
Susan Y. West Memorial Art Scholarship Fund
Swiss-American Public Art Fund
Taylor Enterprises, Inc. Scholarship Fund
The Alex Holbein Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Anderson Mill Historical Fund
The Bethlehem Methodist Church Cemetery of Union, SC Affiliate Fund
The Betty Strider Locke Music Fund
The Bill Drake Community Events Special Fund
The Bob Thomas First Tee Fund
The Brian Wofford Community Outreach Fund
The Bud Teaster Scholarship Fund
The Buddy Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Captain Pennell Society
The Carlos D. and Cynthia E. Moseley Fund
The Carolina Miracle League Development Fund
The Charlotte Jennings Boggs Fund
The Chaser Initiative Fund
The Chaser Innovation Fellow for Canine Welfare Science Fund
The Children's Museum of the Upstate-Spartanburg Endowment Fund
The Cliff Malpass Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Coach Snipes Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Council for Community Empowerment General Fund
The Cragmoor/Walnut Grove Maintenance Endowment Fund
The Croft Rescue Squad 18 Scholarship Fund
The Dan Urban Trails Implementation Fund
The Doris and Claude Tidwell Spartanburg High School Scholarship Fund
The Dr. C. Tyrone Gilmore Community Fund
The Dr. Julian and Elizabeth Williams Scholarship Fund
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Celebration Scholarship Fund
The Elton C. and Bernice N. Ferris Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Eula Sherman Scholarship of Altrusa International of Spartanburg Fund
The First Tee Olin Calicutt Scholarship Fund
The Florine Cates Simpson Calvary Episcopal Church Memorial Cemetery Fund
The Francis Lee Endowment Fund for the Dev. of Human Resources (St. Paul United Methodist Church)
The Fred J. Thomas Community Fund
The Gail Swofford Hackett Scholarship Fund
The Giver Foundation Fund
The Glen B. Boggs II Fund for the Preservation of Historical Architectural Drawings
The Gloria and Leland G. Close, Jr. Fund
The Glyn C. Babb, Sr. Fund
The Hammett Memorial Scholarship Fund of Buford St. UMC
The Harry R. and Cathy C. McMillan Family Scholarship Fund
The Hatcher Garden Capital Campaign Fund
The Haven, Inc. Helping the Homeless Fund
The Helen T. Bruce Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Helen V. Cole/Butler Scholarship Fund
The Helen W. Hyett Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Hope Center for Children Fund
The Hope Community Fund
'The Hope for Union High,' Scholarship Affiliate Fund
The Hub City Soccer Club Fund
The Imagine That! Fund
The iRecycle Fund
The J. Guy Rankin Children's Relief Fund
The Jackson C. Bundy Spartanburg Art Museum Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Jacqueline M. Blackburn Spartanburg High School Memorial Scholarship Fund
The James Cameron Sanders Scholarship Fund
The James Reese Sounds of Diversity Foundation Fund
The Jennifer Leigh Smith Memorial Swimming Scholarship Fund
The Jennifer R. Schaper/Spartanburg Day School Memorial Fund
The Joel R. Griffin, Jr. Scholarship Fund
The John DeWitt McCollough General Fund
The John McClellan Smith Family Memorial Fund
The John, Mark, and Mary Jean Alexander Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Johnson Group Community Fund
The Joseph L. Cooke Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Kirk H. Neely Spartanburg County Compassion Fund
The Landie Scholarship Fund
The Landrum Presbyterian Church General Fund
The Lee Wofford Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Light Endowment Fund
The Lin and David Allio Carolina Foothills Artisan Center Scholarship Fund
The Louise M. Parris Dorman High School Scholarship Fund
The Marguerite Alman Foster Annual Scholarship Fund
The Marisha S. Jeter Memorial Scholarship Affiliate Fund
The Mary M. Robbins Stained Glass Window Fund
The Melba J. Wheeler Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Mitchell Scholarship Fund
The Moody Garner Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Music Club of Spartanburg Fund
The Nancy Turner Lyon Fund
The Noble Tree Foundation.org
The Oakbrook Preparatory School Scholarship Fund
The Palmetto Bank Endowed Permanent Collection Fund
The Parkinson's Disease Awareness Fund of Spartanburg County
The Phillip Watters Foundation Fund
The Piedmont Chamber Orchestra, Inc. Fund
The Post and Courier Public Service and Investigative Reporting Fund
The Robert and Ruth Joan Millard Memorial Award Fund
The Roy Lane Spartanburg Community Memorial Fund
The Ruby Mae's Attic Community Fund
The Ryan Sims Dorman High School Scholarship Fund
The Sara Plyler Missions Fund
The Service and Sacrifice Endowment Fund, in honor of, Major General Darwin H. Simpson
The Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce Special Fund
The Spartanburg Cares Fund
The Spartanburg Christian Academy Scholarship Fund
The Spartanburg Community Band General Fund
The Spartanburg County Commission for Higher Education Endowment Fund
The Spartanburg County OST Youth Fund
The Spartanburg Entrepreneur Incubator Fund
The Spartanburg High School JROTC Scholarship Fund
The Stuart Harrison Price Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Susan Satterfield Weekday School Fund
The Teresa Marie Brady Memorial Endowment Fund
The Thomas W. Bartram Honorarium Endowment Fund for the Bartram Trail
The Union Community Foundation General Affiliate Fund
The Wanda L. Fowler Middle Tyger Community Center Fund
The WritefullyHis Fund
The Yvonne Ravan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Theodore and Elizabeth Gage Special Fund (A)
Thomas Mason Stokes Perpetual Care Fund
Thomas R. Young III Scholarship Fund
Thomas Samuel Means, Sr. Scholarship Fund
Timothy Adam Vann Teen Services Fund
Toby Brooks Cantrell Scholarship Fund
TOTAL Ministries Capital Expenditure Fund
Toy A. Hyder Memorial Scholarship Fund
Trinity UMC Building Maintenance Endowment Fund
Troop 1 Legacy Foundation General Fund
Troop 22 and Pack 22 Legacy Fund
Troop 3 (Nazareth Pres.) Boy Scout Endowment Fund
Twichell Auditorium Maintenance Endowment Fund
Two Rivers Timber Farm Stewardship Management Fund
Tyger River Chapel Fund
Tyger River Park Fund
Tyger River Watershed & Quality of Life Fund
UFRC Building Fund
Union County Animal Shelter Affiliate Building Fund
Union County Carnegie Library Endowment Affiliate Fund
Union County Carnegie Library Friends of the Library Fund
Union County Health Care Foundation Affiliate Project Fund
Union County Historical Society Museum Building Fund
Union Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Building Fund
Union Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Capital Endowment Fund
Union Presbyterian Church of Union, SC Mary Fant Jeter Memorial Fund
Union Rotary Club Fund
Union-Laurens Commission for Higher Education General Fund
Union-Laurens Commission for Higher Education Nursing and/or Campus Property Fund
Union-Laurens Commission for Higher Education Scholarship Fund
United Way of the Piedmont Reserve Account Designated Fund
United Way Special Endowment Fund
Upstate Warrior Solution Fund
Vendetta M. Nicholson Scholarship Fund
Vera W. and Roy Waters School District Six Memorial Music Fund
Vivian B. and John C. Anderson Fund
W. G. Foster Camp Scholarship Fund
W. Keith Parris Scholarship
W. Marshall Chapman Arts Endowment Fund
W.O. Ezell Beautification Fund
Walnut Grove Plantation Fund
Walnut Grove Plantation Nature Trail Fund
Walter Scott Montgomery Junior Achievement of Spartanburg Special Fund
Walter Scott Montgomery Palmetto Council Boy Scouts of America Fund
Walter Scott Montgomery United Way of The Piedmont Special Fund
Walter Spry Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wardlaw Education Fund
Warriors Once Again Fund
Waters Family Cemetery Fund
Weldon Wyatt Scholarship Fund
Wellford Cemetery Association Fund
WestGate Training and Consultation Network Endowment Fund
Westminster Presbyterian Church Capital Fund
Westminster Presbyterian Church Legacy Society Fund
Westminster Presbyterian Church Maintenance Fund
Westside Neighborhood Association General Fund
Whiteside Fund
Whitlock Flexible Learning Center Fund
Why Water Model Water Tank Program Fund
William Barnet & Son, LLC Scholarship Fund
William Russell Sloan Scholarship Fund
William W. and Ruth C. Robinson Memorial Fund
Winifred B. Walsh Genealogical and Local History Fund
Women Giving for Spartanburg (Jan Scalisi) Scholarship Fund
Women Giving for Spartanburg Founders Fund
Women Giving for Spartanburg Fund
Woodruff Area Soup Kitchen Fund
Woodruff High School Athletic Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Woodruff-Enoree-Cross Anchor Neighborhood Humanities Community Fund
YMCA Family Center Endowment Fund
YMCA Special Endowment Fund
Zane Thomas Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund
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