ADCO Founders Scholarship Endowment Fund

The ADCO Founders Scholarship was established in recognition of the late Donald R. Strack and the late Charles O. Pyron, founders of ADCO Products, Inc. The scholarship is processed by Scholarship America.

African American Community Endowment Fund

To provide grantmaking to projects in Jackson County that primarily affect the African American community in Jackson County.

Aldythe M. Parsons Administrative Fund

Adminstrative Endowment Fund established to support the work of the Jackson Community Foundation.

Allen E. Spiess Jr. Endowment Fund

This Fund was established by the late Allen E. Spiess, Jr. to assist individuals with dyslexia and to support programs engaged in finding solutions to the problems associated with dyslexia. Also to support: Ella Sharp Museum, Cascades Humane Society, Emmanuel Lutheran Church and the Michigan Theatre.

Andrew LaFaive Memorial Scholarship Fund

This Fund was established in memory of Andrew LaFaive to support a graduating senior from Jackson High School to attend a private or public university or college or trade school leading to a valuable credential. With an emphasis on first generation in family to go to college.

Antonia Dellas Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

This scholarship was established by John J. Dellas, in memory of his wife. “Antonia (Toni) lived her life by helping others in so many ways and always found time to help those in need. One path Toni chose to practice this was her career of working with children with special needs…I believe that the scholarship recipients who follow and stay true to this path, will not only contribute to society, but will also discover the joy and inner peace derived from guiding, helping, teaching, listening to and learning from those who are in need, challenged or just growing up. I can’t think of a better way to memorialize Toni than by helping others to follow her path, that is, one of performing angel’s work.” John Dellas

Arasim-Obuchowski Scholarship Fund

This Fund was established to honor our parents, John and Clara Arasim, who were not educated, but stressed education for their children and everyone around them. It was my sister's wish to provide financial help to anyone graduating from Michigan Center High School so that they could pursue their educational goals.

Arts & Cultural Endowment Fund

To support the arts and cultural activities of Jackson County and its residents.

Aware Shelter, Inc. - Organization Endowment Fund

To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services. *Please note, this fund is for the organization making a donation to their fund. For individuals making a donation to the AWARE Shelter, please use AWARE Shelter Endowment Fund - Third Party Fund.

Aware Shelter, Inc. - Third Party Endowment Fund

To provide current income and long-term security in addition to the org fund to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services. ***Please note, this fund is for individuals making a donation to AWARE Shelter Third Party Endowment Fund.

Ben Trumbull - Exchange Club of Jackson Endowment Fund for CPCAN

To fund the Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect of Jackson County

Berlet Fund for Nature

This fund was established in memory of Myrna Berlet. It is designated to provide operating and program support for the Dahlem Conservancy.

Bernice Barabash Sports Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Bernice Barabash Sports Scholarship provides two scholarships, one for a qualified student in grades 7, 8, or 9 and one for a qualified student in grades 10, 11 or 12. The award recognizes youth that participate in the sport while maintaining high academic standards in preparation for future educational enrichment.

Betty Dahlem Endowment Fund

This Fund was established by the Late Betty Dahlem Desbiens to support the Cascades Humane Society, Key West Botanical Garden Society, Hanover-Horton Area Historical Society, and Aware Shelter, Inc.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Jackson County - Organization Endowment Fund

To assist children from primarily one-parent homes with emotional, social and character growth. ***Please note, this fund is for the organization making a donation to their fund. For individuals making a donation to Big Brothers Big Sister, please use the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson County Endowment Fund - Third Party Fund.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Jackson County - Third Party Endowment Fund

To assist children from primarily one-parent homes with emotional, social and character growth. ***Please note, this fund is for individuals making a donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson County Endowment Fund.

Bob and Dawn Hardy Automotive Scholarship Endowment Fund

Effective 10/21/20, this is no longer an automotive scholarship, and instead is a sub-fund of Jackson Legacy.

Bucky Harris Memorial Endowment Fund

For the charitable purposes as the Community Foundation may determine consistent with the exempt purposes of the Community Foundation as specified in its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.