Carolyn A. Bloodworth Legacy Endowment Fund
This Named Unrestricted Fund is a named in honor of Carolyn Bloodworth and her many years of dedicated service to the Consumers Energy Foundation and the Jackson Community. Its annual spendable supports the Community Needs Fund which allows the Foundation’s staff and Grant Committee to research and select grants which have the potential to make the most impact where the need is greatest. Gifts are pooled together giving your donation, no matter the size, the power to have a real impact. Since the Fund is flexible, you will have peace of mind that your donation reflects the ever-changing needs, ideas, and issues facing Jackson County.
This Named Unrestricted Fund is a named in honor of Carolyn Bloodworth and her many years of dedicated service to the Consumers Energy Foundation and the Jackson Community. Its annual spendable supports the Community Needs Fund which allows the Foundation’s staff and Grant Committee to research and select grants which have the potential to make the most impact where the need is greatest. Gifts are pooled together giving your donation, no matter the size, the power to have a real impact. Since the Fund is flexible, you will have peace of mind that your donation reflects the ever-changing needs, ideas, and issues facing Jackson County.