Fund Catalog
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Jackson Collaborative Network Fund
ADCO Founders Scholarship Endowment Fund
African American Community Endowment Fund
Aldythe M. Parsons Administrative Fund
Allen E. Spiess Jr. Endowment Fund
Andrew LaFaive Memorial Scholarship Fund
Antonia Dellas Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Arasim-Obuchowski Scholarship Fund
Arts & Cultural Endowment Fund
Aware Shelter, Inc. Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Aware Shelter, Inc. Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Ben Trumbull - Exchange Club of Jackson Endowment Fund for CPCAN
Berlet Fund for Nature
Bernice Barabash Sports Scholarship Endowment Fund
Betty Dahlem Endowment Fund
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Jackson County Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Jackson County Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Bob and Dawn Hardy Automotive Scholarship Endowment Fund
Bucky Harris Memorial Endowment Fund
Carl F. Spaeth Endowment Fund
Carolyn A. Bloodworth Legacy Endowment Fund
Cascades and Frost School Library Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Cascades and Frost School Library Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Cascades Falls Maintenance Endowment Fund
Cascades Humane Society Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Cascades Humane Society Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Cascades Non-Endowed Special Project Fund
Cascades Restoration Project Endowment Fund
Center for Family Health Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Center for Family Health Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Cheryl R. Norey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Chris Brian Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Christoff Family Community Fund
College Access Network Partnership Fund
Community Action Agency - Jackson County Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Community Action Agency - Jackson County Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Community Needs Endowment Fund
Consumers Energy Endowment Fund
Corbin Rangler Memorial Bluebird Scholarship Fund
Dahlem Conservancy Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Dahlem Conservancy Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Dale S. LeCrone LeMatic Fund
David J. Ogle II Memorial Endowment Fund
Dena McLeod Scholarship Fund
Dennis J. Beck Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dirlam Family Endowment Fund
disAbility Connections Foundation of Jackson County Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
disAbility Connections Foundation of Jackson County Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Donna Ruth Camp Administrative Endowment Fund
Dorothy and Dick Burgess Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dorothy Johnson Blakely Endowment Fund
Dorothy Levy Literacy Endowment Fund
Dr. Garland & Alex Scott Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dream Maker Fund
Dwight and Ellen Yeager Memorial Administrative Fund
E. Marlin and Evelyne A. Jones and Extended Family Endowment Fund
East Jackson Educational Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
East Jackson Educational Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Educational Foundation for Columbia Schools Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Educational Foundation for Columbia Schools Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Eileen J. Smith, R. N. Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Elara Caring Hospice Foundation - 3rd Party Fund
Elara Caring Hospice Foundation - Organization Fund
Eleanor A. Ernest Scholarship Endowment Fund
Ella Sharp Museum Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Ella Sharp Museum Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Eric B. Walton Family Endowment Fund
Erma E. Biedermann Scholarship Endowment Fund
Faith Speckhard Scholarship Endowment Fund
Family Service & Children's Aid Breakout Drug Education Program - 3rd Party Fund
Family Service & Children's Aid Breakout Drug Education Program, Inc. Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Family Service and Children's Aid Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Family Service and Children's Aid Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
First Congregational Church UCC of Jackson Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
First Congregational Church UCC of Jackson Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Florence E. Shaneour Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Fred and Rachel Kulas Administrative Fund
Friends of Jackson Seniors, Inc. Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Friends of Jackson Seniors, Inc. Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
General Education Endowment Fund
General Environmental Endowment Fund
George A. Burdick Memorial Fund
Georgia & Travis Fojtasek Legacy Fund
Georgia and Travis Fojtasek Scholarship Fund
Golf Hall of Fame Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Golf Hall of Fame Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Grace Family Charitable Fund
Grass Lake Educational Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Grass Lake Educational Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Great Start Early Childhood Fund
Hanover-Horton Area Historical Society Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Hanover-Horton Area Historical Society Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Hanover-Horton Educational Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Hanover-Horton Educational Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Hanover-Horton Youth of Promise Scholarship Endowment Fund
Harold N. Marsh, Sr. Fund
Healthy Youth/Healthy Seniors Endowment Fund
Henry Ford Jackson Hospital Empowerment Scholarship
Henry Ford Jackson Hospital Family Scholarship
Henry Ford Jackson Hospital Hospice Endowment - 3rd Party Fund
Henry Ford Jackson Hospital Hospice Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Henry Ford Jackson Hospital New Beginnings Scholarship
Highfields, Inc. Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Highfields, Inc. Endowment Fund - Third Party Fund
Historic Named Unrestricted Funds
Hollie Riggs Agriscience Memorial Fund, Jackson Area Career Center, FFA
Hopkins, Jennings, Shaw Salvation Army Memorial Endowment Fund
Howard and Barbara Thompson Scholarship Endowment Fund
I Love My Community Fund
J. Sheridan Stewart Scholarship Fund
Jackson County Catholic Education Endowment Fund
Jackson County Daffodil Society Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Jackson County Daffodil Society Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Jackson County Early Literacy Endowment Fund
Jackson County Health Plan Corporation Endowment Fund
Jackson County Medical Society Endowment Fund
Jackson County Parks Association Endowment Fund
Jackson Education Endowment Scholarship Fund
Jackson Friendly Home Endowment Fund
Jackson High School Scholarship Endowment - 3rd Party Fund
Jackson High School Scholarship Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Jackson Interfaith Shelter Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Jackson Interfaith Shelter Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Jackson Junior Welfare League Women's Empowerment Fund
Jackson Legacy Endowment Fund
Jackson Legacy Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund
Jackson Literary and Art Association Fund
Jackson Public Schools Laundry Initiative Endowment Fund
Jackson Saves Program
Jackson School of the Arts Building Creative Leaders Fund
Jackson Symphony Orchestra Endowment - Music School Fund
Jackson Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Jackson Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Jackson YMCA Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Jackson YMCA Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Jackson Young Professionals Endowment Fund
James M. and Helen M. Crowley Endowment Fund
James P. Syrek Memorial Endowment Sub Fund
Janet C. Rochefort Scholarship Endowment Fund for Single Moms
JCF Administrative Endowment Fund
JCF Historic Preservation Fund
JCF Operations Fund
JCISD-JACC Jared Zenz Memorial Fund - Organizational Fund
JCISD-JACC Jennifer Trudeau Apprenticeship Scholarship Endowment Fund
JCISD-JACC Staff Memorial 3rd Party Fund
JCISD-JACC Staff Memorial Fund
Jeanne A. Ollhoff Educational Endowment Fund
Jeannie Inman Memorial Endowment Fund for disAbility Connections, Inc.
Jerry and Jackie Booth Family Fund
Jim and Dorothy Blanchard Teacher's Education Endowment Fund
Joan & George Schroeder Memorial Endowment Fund for the United Center for Caring (UCC)
Jody C. Bacon Fund
John and Marilyn Guidinger Historic Preservation Endowment Fund
John Gruel Memorial Fund
John J. Dellas Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
June Danby & Pat Pearse Education Scholarship Endowment Fund
June M. Whedon Memorial Fund
JXN Flight Endowment Fund
Kellogg Foundation Youth Advisory Committee Endowment Fund
Ken Douglas Teach the Children Endowment Fund
L. Richard and Sandra Schneider Endowment Sub Fund
Larry and Janet Anto Scholarship Endowment Fund
Lawrence and Joanne Maino Memorial Endowment Fund
Lily Mission Center Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Lily Mission Center Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Lincoln Youth Fund
Lisa Marie Rozell Memorial Fund
Lucille E. McGee Scholarship Endowment Fund
MACI Scholarship Endowment Fund
MACI Youth Endowment Fund
Marion S. Grattan Memorial Parks Endowment Fund
Martha and Oliver Hansen Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Martha Pfund Children's Dental Endowment Fund
Marvin W. and Rosaline A. Brandau Scholarship Endowment Fund
Mary Theresa Mills Catholic Education Endowment Fund
Matt and Sharon Augustine Youth Advisory Committee Activity Fund
Melissa Eleanor Ernest Scholarship Fund
Men's Garden Club of Jackson Endowment Fund
Michael Furtwangler Scholarship Endowment Sub Fund
Michael Richard Leland Easter Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Michigan Center High School Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund
Michigan Center School District Education Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Michigan Center School District Education Fund - Organizational Fund
Michigan Theatre of Jackson, Inc. Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Michigan Theatre of Jackson, Inc. Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Movement Jackson Special Project Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Craft Fund
Napoleon Educational Endowment - 3rd Party Fund
Napoleon Educational Endowment - Organization Fund
Nonprofit Network/George W. Romney Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Nonprofit Network/George W. Romney Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Norm and Pat Steusloff Charitable Fund
Northwest Educational Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Northwest Educational Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Officer James D. Bonneau Child Advocacy Fund
Olive Merlin and Jacqueline Dulworth Scholarship Endowment Fund
Orville C. and Mary E. McLaury Endowment Sub Fund
Otis & Florence Lapham Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Patricia Stinson Trosin Endowment Fund
Patrick Carney II Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Paul Tejada Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Philip Guy Richardson Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Regina Griffus Memorial Fund
Reizner Family Fund
Richard Sigers Scholarship Endowment Fund
Rider Family Education Fund
Robert K. and Marilyn J. Rozell Endowment Fund
Robert P. Ernest Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Robinson Family Endowment Fund
Ronald C. and Sandra J. Marsh Foster Care Support Fund
Rotary Club of Jackson Scholarship Fund
Ruth L. Creps Endowment Fund
Samuel Higby & Margaret H. Camp Fund
Sandra S. and Robert D. Craft Family Endowment Fund
Schuur Family Fund
Sheldon E. and Jean B. Laughlin Endowment Fund
Shirley Pascal Endowment Fund to End Domestic Violence
Shonte' Potter King Center Fund
South Michigan Food Bank Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
South Michigan Food Bank Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
St. James Lutheran Legacy Fund
Stacy Lynn Davis Youth Leadership Scholarship Endowment Fund
Stephanie Tallis Greenhouse Endowment Sub Fund
Stockbridge - Chris B. Kruger Memorial Scholarship
Stockbridge - Darwin Snider Memorial Fund
Stockbridge - Neil T. and Rosella M. McCleer Education Endowment
Stockbridge - Thomas D. Basore, Sr. Endowment Sub Fund
Stockbridge Area Educational Foundation Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Stockbridge Area Educational Foundation Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Stockbridge Area Educational Foundation Endowment Fund: Helen B. Mitteer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Stockbridge Area Educational Foundation Fund: Munith-Fitchburg Veterans Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sue Walicki Nursing Scholarship Endowment Fund
Teachers Endowment Fund
Teen Health Center at Parkside Endowment Fund
The Jackson Strong Fund
Thomas Dean Rozell Memorial Fund
Thought 1 Fund
Tim & Daniel Hughes Outdoor Memorial Fund
TLC - Lavery Family Endowment Fund
Tony and Bonnie Krupa Family Endowment Fund
United Way of South Central Michigan Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
United Way of South Central Michigan Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Unterkircher - Cascades Humane Society Endowment Fund
Unterkircher - Catholic Social Services Endowment Fund
Unterkircher - Henry Ford Health Hospice - Jackson Endowment Fund
Unterkircher - Interfaith Shelter of Jackson Endowment Fund
Unterkircher - Y-Center (YMCA) of Jackson Endowment Fund
Vandercook Lake Public Schools Educational Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Vandercook Lake Public Schools Educational Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Vandercook Lake Schools Educational Endowment Fund: Michael White Memorial Scholarship Fund
Vandercook Lake Schools Scholarship Endowment Fund
Walz Family Endowment Fund
Waterloo Area Historical Society Endowment Fund - 3rd Party Fund
Waterloo Area Historical Society Endowment Fund - Organization Fund
Western Education Foundation Endowment Fund
Western Education Foundation Endowment Fund - 3rd party
Wetherby Family Charitable Fund
Whitney C. Albertson Memorial Scholarship Award Fund
William and Beatrice Kavanaugh Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Wirebaugh Family Youth Sports Endowment Fund
Zach Pace Memorial Endowment Sub Fund
Zelma W. Rifkin Scholarship Endowment Fund
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Contact us:
Phone - 517-787-1321
Email - elyman@jacksoncf.org
Website - www.jacksoncf.org
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