Georgia and Travis Fojtasek Scholarship Fund
Established by Georgia and Travis Fojtasek, in memory of Georgia’s mother and father, Edward and Nella Fullman, in honor of their commitment to their children’s education despite very limited resources. The purpose is to support students with financial need and compelling circumstances who wish to enter the field of nursing.
Georgia and Travis Fojtasek Scholarship - up to $1,000
• Resident of Jackson County, Michigan
• For this scholarship, you must plan on attending or be enrolled full-time or part-time at Baker College of Jackson, Jackson College or Spring Arbor University AND BE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:
• A graduating high school senior who is a Jackson County resident; or
• A graduating high school senior who lives in a different county and has attended a Jackson County school since the 9th grade; or
• A graduating Jackson County home-schooled student; or
• A 12th Grade Jackson County Early College student preparing to enter their 13th year; or o A Returning or Completing Jackson County Nontraditional Student with a High School Diploma or GED.
• Plan to start, continue, or be working on an Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree in a Medical Field with preference to Nursing
• Proof of Financial Need
• Category: Attending a Jackson County College/University and Health Care/Nursing