John Janty Memorial Scholarship

John Janty was the K-12 District Mathematics Coordinator for the Waunakee Community School District where he also taught high school mathematics from 1976 until his retirement in 2008. John believed that every student could learn mathematics, including those who struggled to master understanding. Thus, he taught a five-credit University of Wisconsin calculus course to Waunakee seniors, while also assigning himself the most basic mathematics courses, challenging himself to teach for understanding regardless of specific course level. Following his retirement in 2008, John joined a group of educators who donated countless volunteer hours to birth the Wisconsin Mathematics Education Foundation (WMEF). The mission of WMEF is to support excellence in mathematics education for students and teachers in Wisconsin. John served as the WMEF Chairperson from 2008 – 2021 and nurtured it from a struggling foundation initiated during an economic recession into the viable organization it was when he resigned in 2021. It was truly his labor of love. John served as President of the Wisconsin Mathematics Council (WMC) from 1998 – 1999, represented Wisconsin on the US Governors’ Commission of the States (invited by Bill Clinton), and as educator representative on the Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship Council (Tommy Thompson appointee). In 1994 John received the WMC Distinguished Mathematics Educator Award. The John Janty Memorial Scholarship will support mathematics education in the state of Wisconsin.


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