Cedar Glade Fund

This fund provides support to the Corydon Presbyterian Church in helping people with low incomes and youth residing in Harrison County.
Fund Impact

2005 - Supported the Corydon Presbyterian Church in delivering assistance to poor persons and youth residing in Harrison County Indiana
2007 - Local mission work
2009 - Assistance to poor persons and youth residing in Harrison County
2011 - Assistance to poor persons and youth residing in Harrison County
2012 - Assistance to poor persons and youth residing in Harrison County
2013 - Assistance to poor persons and youth residing in Harrison County
2014 - Assistance to poor persons and youth residing in Harrison County
2015 - Supported human service organizations that support the moral development of children and young adults, as well as organizations providing assistance to disadvantaged families and individuals
2017 - Supported the charitable programs of the Corydon Presbyterian Church and its mission to the needy of Harrison County and the Boy Scouts
2018 - Supported the outreach and mission programs of the Corydon Presbyterian Church; supported Repair Affair and Shared Mission programming
2019 - Supported the youth of Harrison County to attend summer camp
2021 - Provided maintenance where needy and youth programs are located at Corydon Presbyterian Church
2023 - Purchased kitchen equipment to continue the community meal program to feed the disadvantaged of Harrison County at Corydon Presbyterian Church; provided support to Corydon Presbyterian Church for Harrison County youth to attend summer camps
2024 - Provided support to Corydon Presbyterian Church for Harrison County youth to attend summer camps


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