Blue River Services Fund

This fund provides support to Blue River Services, Inc. to carry out its role and mission.
Fund Impact

2001 - Contribution from agency endowment for operations
2010 - Matching funds for Healthy Families Program
2011 - Purchased carpet and tile flooring for the Corydon Rainbow's End Childcare facility, Install video surveillance and access control at Rainbow's End Childcare facility
2013 - Supported a flooding prevention project at the administration building
2014 - Repaired the sidewalk at the administration building, Provide matching dollars to HCCF grant for the purchase of computer equipment
2015 - Supported technology upgrades at Stepping Stone Apartments; Matching dollars for HUD grant for operating and supportive services at Hope Manor Transitional Housing
2016 - Provided match for Hope Manor Transitional Housing's HUD Continuum of Care Grant
2017 - Provided salary coverage for Country Trace's Service Coordinator; purchased virtual server for Primary Solutions software
2018 - Updated technology for Harrison County operations
2023 - Purchased office chairs for Wyandotte House Group Home for office staff and manager and for a two night staff development retreat in Underwood for staff at Wyandotte House Group Home and Rainbows End Daycare to receive hands-on professional development on mental health, social emotional learning, and avoiding burnout in the profession
2024 - Set up a mobile paper shredding service to provide jobs/training to persons served and generate income for the Blue River Industries; replaced Heat Press at BR Grafix
2025 - Purchased 8 tablets for Rainbow's End Childcare Center to implement new online programs for real time sharing, updating, and payment options


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