Gary and Jean Geswein FFA Fund

This fund provides support to the Harrison County, Indiana high school FFA programs supporting community service projects or leadership. Funds may also be used to help current FFA program participants attend FFA conferences or other FFA-related training programs.
Fund Impact

2012 - South Harrison Community Schools - paid for hotel room deposits for the FFA convention; revamped FFA fair exhibit; offset FFA convention registration fees
2012 - Lanesville Community Schools - offset costs to send two FFA members to the Washington Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.
2012 - North Harrison High School - supported student expenses at the FFA National Convention
2015 - South Harrison Community Schools - supported registration fees for 10 CCHS members of FFA and one FFA advisor to attend the FFA State Convention
2015 - Lanesville Community Schools - supported registration fees for FFA Chapter and for President to attend FFA Washington Leadership Conference
2015 - South Harrison Community Schools - paid for National FFA Organizational Convention registration for 12 students and one advisor
2016 - North Harrison Community Schools - paid for hotel rooms and registration for Indiana State FFA Convention for two advisors, two delegates, and nine FFA members
2016 - South Harrison Community Schools - supported Corydon Central FFA registration expenses for the National FFA Convention for six students and one advisor
2017 - Lanesville Community Schools - supported FFA Banquet
2017 - South Harrison Community Schools - supported registration and lodging for National FFA Convention for 10 students and 1 advisor from CCHS
2017 - North Harrison Community Schools - supported registration and transportation to National FFA Convention
2018 - Lanesville Community Schools - supported FFA Banquet
2018 - South Harrison Community Schools - provided registration and hotel lodging for twelve CCHS students and one advisor at the National FFA Convention; supported registration for the 91st National FFA Convention and Expo for twelve students and one advisor from South Central FFA Chapter
2018 - North Harrison Community Schools - supported registration for the 91st National FFA Convention and Expo for seven students and two advisors from North Harrison FFA Chapter
2019 - South Harrison Community Schools - supported registration for seven CCHS students to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN; supported South Central High School FFA registration for 20 one-day members, 12 three-day members, and one advisor at the National FFA Convention
2019 - North Harrison Community Schools - supported registration for the 2019 National FFA Convention for seven members
2022 - South Harrison Community Schools - provided registration fee for 12 FFA members and 1 advisor from CCCHS to attend Indiana State FFA Convention
2023 - South Harrison Community Schools - paid for the CCHS and South Central High School FFA Director's  ACTE State conference registration; paid for the registration of 12 FFA members and chapter officers from South Central High School to attend the 96th annual National FFA convention Expo; to purchase a set of official FFA jackets for the South Central High School FFA Chapter to use at all chapter meetings, events, competitions, and conventions

2023 - Lanesville Community Schools - provided registration fees for the National FFA Convention
2024 - Lanesville Community Schools - paid for hotel and parking fees for FFA National Convention

2024 - South Harrison Community Schools - paid for Corydon Central High School's FFA hotel rooms for State Crops CDE


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